Hey! It’s me!
Kali Kugler.
Hello to the eyes that have found themselves roaming my page. Whether that be to admire, judge, or inquire, I am grateful you have found yourself amongst my little display of mind. Welcome.
Writing has always been a part of me. As a young child, as a student, and as a professional. As a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover. Words are my strongest exclamation of existence.
Today I write lots and lots of poetry (ugh I know it kills me too), I’m working on some copy case studies to get my foot in the door of advertising, and revamping my weekly not-so-weekly newsletter “Soft Visions.” I’m enrolled in summer school at Denver Ad School where I’m learning the ins and outs of agency work, and more about myself as a creative!
My life revolves around the chance to tell a story, to capture a moment with words, to make reality surreal. The morsels of life seem so mighty at times. My literate effort is to make moments all the more digestible, more delicious. I hope my writing can serve you, be that professionally, leisurely, or not at all - for nothing is something.
Thank you, and let’s scribble!
Resume available here!.
Let’s chat!
(724) 814-1927